Thursday, May 22, 2008

Comparing Strunk and White with Williams

The book by Williams was very difficult to read.  But I have to say the second part was easier than the first but I found myself getting confused by the arrows and diagrams.  Again I benefited, as I did with Strunk and White, the most from the sections on paragraph and sentence structure.  I think the Williams did a good job giving plenty of examples, although some were very length and hard to concentrate on.  

I understand that the first part of Williams book was jam packed with information.  I had to force myself to concentrate on it and reread parts of it.  Like in my previous blog regarding Strunk and White, I struggle with sentence and paragraph structure.  I found a lot of their information useful but outdated.  So I suppose that is why I "liked" the second part of Williams book better.  Yes I could have done without the diagrams and arrows and boxes, however I feel I am a more conscientious writer.  

If I had to choose between the two books on which benefited me the most I would have to say it was an even draw.  I think they both posses certain positive attributes.  S&W was defiantly an easier read but was outdated in some language.  Williams was much more in depth an analytical but provided numerous examples of what he was explaining.  It was a more up to date read but overall provided the same information in a different more expanded way. 

Both books have improved my ability to write more successful. 

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